Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy Specialist Clinic

The main task of a speech therapist is to diagnose and deal with various speech and language disorders, speech defects, and to prevent the progression or relapse of orofacial dysfunctions (of the throat, mouth and face), which significantly improves the quality of the patient’s life.
Speech therapy is a form of rehabilitation for speech disorders in children and grownups, which involves many ways of learning to speak correctly. Speech therapy employs a variety of therapeutic methods, which are designed to help the patient. These methods include, among others, articulation exercises, breathing exercises, voice emission exercises, learning alternative methods of communication, and speech therapy massage. Additionally, consultations with parents / legal guardians constitute an important part of the therapy.
Speech therapy is the most effective method when it is systematic. St Wojciech’s Hospital Speech Therapy Clinic provides specialist help not only to children but also to adults. First, every patient is diagnosed, and, next, the speech therapist prepares an individual speech therapy program depending on the patient’s speech disorder, their age, capabilities and the aim of the therapy. In the course of therapy patients are given speech exercises, which need to be done in accordance with the therapist’s medical recommendations and under their supervision.

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+48 61 62 33 111

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Wielkopolskie Centrum Medyczne
Sp z o.o. S.K.A

st. Bolesława Krzywoustego 114
61-144 Poznań, POLAND

Hospital hours:

Mon-Fri 8:00 – 20:00
Sat 8:00 – 16:00

Contact us to arrange a visit or to learn more!

Call us! +48 61 62 33 111

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