Caries treatment

Do you know that…

Caries is the most frequently observed issue that motivates the patients report to a dental office. The reasons for caries development include improper personal hygiene, the influence of cariogenic bacteria, and improper diet. The first symptoms of caries include pain, hypersensitivity, and discoloration. The symptoms must not be ignored and the appointment must not be postponed. Treatment, if initiated early, may be almost completely painless.

Conservative dentistry

Conservative dentistry deals with prophylaxis and treatment of this common dental problem. Conservative treatment includes removing caries and restoring tooth function with possibly minimal removal of natural tooth structure. This also makes it possible to avoid complications that cause discomfort. After carious tissues are removed, there is a cavity in the tooth. Restoring such cavity is crucial in order to isolate healthy tissues from the external environment and to close the possible pathways for bacteria to enter the pulp. Such restoration should be durable, esthetic and restore the anatomical shape of the crown. If no treatment is initiated, the process may lead to tooth loss or even other complications that are more severe.

What can we offer?

At the dental department of St. Wojciech’s Hospital in Poznan we adhere to the rules of Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Dentistry. It means that we choose such treatment methods in which we can avoid removing healthy tooth structure: we use an inlay/onlay instead of a crown in a tooth after root canal treatment, and we use highly esthetic, small restorations for restoring fractured anterior teeth without losing full aesthetics.
It is achievable because we use the best materials whose physical properties are similar to the properties of natural teeth, and that is also why our restorations do not fall out.

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Make an appointment

+48 61 62 33 495

Wielkopolskie Centrum Medyczne
Sp z o.o. S.K.A

st. Bolesława Krzywoustego 114
61-144 Poznań, POLAND

Hospital hours:

Mon-Fri 8:00 – 20:00
Sat 8:00 – 16:00

Contact us to arrange a visit or to learn more!

Call us! +48 61 62 33 111

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