Varicose vein surgery


Varicose veins are a condition that affects almost 50% of the population. The conditions seems to affect mainly women, although this has not been confirmed by recent research. Most patients seek medical help for cosmetic reasons, yet complications of the condition may be quite serious.


  • prevention of thromboembolic complications,
  • prevention of venous ulcers,
  • cosmetic effect,
  • reduced swelling of lower limbs.

Indications and contraindications

  • insufficiency of the great or small saphenous vein (confirmed by a Doppler examination),
  • visible varicose veins on lower limbs,
  • vein-related swelling,
  • non-healing leg ulcers.


  • systemic diseases which prevent the procedure/anaesthesia (circulatory insufficiency, uncontrolled hyperthyroidism, uncontrolled diabetes/hypertension),
  • history of deep vein thrombosis,
  • massive atherosclerosis in lower limbs,
  • developmental disorders of the deep vein system.


How long is the recovery?

Usually about two weeks.

Will it hurt a lot after the procedure?

No. After being discharged most patients do not require additional painkillers.

Treatment options

Conventional options: stripping, miniphleboctomy

In the case of insufficiency of the long or small saphenous vein, the procedure involves a mechanical removal of the vein trunk. Next, tiny incisions (about 2 mm) are made above the visible varices to remove them with a special wire. The cut in the groin is closed with sutures while other incisions
are closed with special patches (Steri-strips).

Intravascular procedure (laser, radiofrequency, VNUS) — thermal treatment

Under ultrasound guidance an incision is made in the long or small saphenous vein on the calf. During the procedure the vein is closed from the inside by thermal or laser energy. Visible varices may be removed using a wire or sclerotherapy (injecting a solution to close the veins).

Eligibility for the procedure:

The decision on your surgery is taken during a pre-operative visit when a doctor assesses your eligibility. At the visit the doctor also chooses the treatment and orders necessary tests. The decision is made on the basis of test results and your general condition. Then a convenient date is selected.

Before the procedure:

  • One week before the procedure you should have the following blood tests done: full blood count, electrolyte test, coagulation test, blood type, glucose, creatinine, Hbs antigen, ANTI-HCV antibodies and a Doppler ultrasound test of lower limbs.
  • If you have other medical conditions, please consult your attending doctors and bring a certificate that there are no contraindications to the surgical procedure.
  • If you are on anticoagulant treatment, you should switch to subcutaneous medications for 7 days before the procedure and 10 days after the procedure.
  • Consult with the operating doctor whether to take any medications on the day of the procedure.
  • On the day of the procedure you should be on an empty stomach.


  • usually the procedure is performed under spinal block,
  • it lasts for about 1 hour,
  • a 24-hour hospital stay is required.

After the procedure:

  • You should avoid physical exercise for 14 days.
  • Put the bandages on the leg which underwent the procedure or use compression stockings for at least 14 days.
  • Use low molecular weight heparin (anticoagulant) for 7 to 14 days after the procedure.

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+48 61 62 33 111

Wielkopolskie Centrum Medyczne
Sp z o.o. S.K.A

st. Bolesława Krzywoustego 114
61-144 Poznań, POLAND

Hospital hours:

Mon-Fri 8:00 – 20:00
Sat 8:00 – 16:00

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